New Raspberry Pi Zero W

Linux programming via the command line interface. SSH into your Pi and use those commands to update the package files to the latest version

@Neil if you wouldnt mind could you walk me through doing that? I just got my Pi Zero W today, and I’m new to the software

I suggest you google it as it will be much quicker

@Neil I have the astrobox folder on the Pi’s desktop, and have successfully completed the commands, but it seems as though it doesn’t run. Any advice?

Sorry I don’t understand the question. You need to SSH into the Pi and run the commands I listed above

hi, just got my raspberry pi zero wifi edition.

and can confirm those instructions work!

did it in a bit of a convoluted way.

  1. flashed the img file to an sd card
  2. had a wifi dongle so plugged that into the pi zero and booted
  3. saw the astrobox hotspot, connected and registered
  4. updated to 0.10(7) via the web interface
  5. shutdown
  6. took sd card and plugged into pi 3
  7. booted and accessed the terminal with username: pi, password: raspberry
  8. did the network changes here,
  9. while doing commented out the hotspot block in the yaml file with # and the wlan1 lines in /etc/network/interfaces to disable the hotspot, probably can leave this untouched but not sure.
  10. sudo reboot
  11. sudo apt-get update
  12. sudo apt-get upgrade
  13. once done, sudo shutdown now
  14. take sd card out of pi 3, plug into pi zero without wifi dongle this time.
  15. accessed my router to find what ip address the astrobox is using.
  16. navigate to http://… ip address the astrobox is using and you’re in.

Hello everyone. I used the information from John Griffiths’ post and created a youtube tutorial on a very similar process. The link is down below.