[SOLVED] RaspiCam with astroprint v0.9 not working

Using this camera.

I enabled the camera using ssh and raspi-config but still no luck. No Idea what to try next. any ideas?

I do not believe that v0.9 supports the RaspiCam. You’ll need to use a USB webcam.


@Matt_Patterson is correct. We don’t YET support the raspicam on 0.9

I hope support comes soon, I just switched from Octopi and really enjoyed being able to use the Pi Camera.

Is this why my RaspiCam stopped working after I updated? Man that is a shame when will it be fixed?

The raspicam is supported ( when enabled using raspi-config ) as of 0.9(2)

You need to reflash the image if you flashed any earlier 0.9 as previous 0.9 ones didn’t include the proper driver

On my Raspi, the Cam Version 2.1 works.
If you are yousinfg Windows 10, don´t use Edge as Browser.
It´s working with Firefox fine.


I have enabled the raspberry pi camera module but whenever I try to use it I get an

gst-stream-error-quark. Internal Data flow error (1)

I am using the latest astrobox on a Raspberry Pi 2 connected via eth

I am having the exact same problem. I tried installing gstream0.10 and then I got it to work once. After that, I kept getting the same error over and over again.

Installing or replacing components in the image will most likely have weird side effects. The version of gstreamer that you mentioned is definitely not supported.

The v4l2 driver for the raspicam has some problems with gstreamer and some people with certain versions of the raspicam are having issues.

We’re looking into alternatives to this approach. The raspicam support in the new camera system is still experimental.


I’m using MJPG-streamer on my other raspberry pi project and works great! this might be used for astroprint. Just wondering.

@doki that setup won’t allow for over-the-internet video. It would only work on your local network but here are instructions on how to enable it on your rpi:

  • Install some packages:

# sudo apt-get install python-opencv python-numpy mjpeg-streamer

  • Edit the configuration file:

# sudo nano /etc/astrobox/config.yaml

Change or add the following lines:

   manager: mjpeg
  • Restart the astrobox service:

sudo service astrobox restart

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Thanks, This would be the best option for now while still have issues. This is also useful for users which use astroprint on local network only. appreciate it.

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hi Daniel,

Try your suggestion and seem not to work every time i’ve change the camera section on config.yaml to this:

manager: mjpeg

astroprint is not accessble after the service restart, it stuck to this error:

Your Astrobox is still booting up.

Please hit the button below to reload the page

Note the 2 spaces in front of the manager text. If after correcting this, it still does not work, please send us logs via the advanced settings screen

re-done everything.

 $ sudo apt-get install python-opencv python-numpy mjpeg-streamer
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree
Reading state information... Done
python-numpy is already the newest version.
python-opencv is already the newest version.
mjpeg-streamer is already the newest version.
0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 20 not upgraded.


manager: mjpeg
apiHost: https://api.astroprint.com
boxrouter: wss://boxrouter.astroprint.com
loggedUser: user@email.com
logs: /var/log/astrobox
timelapse: /AstroBoxFiles/timelapse
timelapse_tmp: /AstroBoxFiles/timelapse/tmp
uploads: /AstroBoxFiles/uploads
watched: /AstroBoxFiles/watched
baudrate: 115200
port: /dev/ttyUSB0
firstRun: false
lastCheck: 1472132260.892082

  • action: shutdown
    command: shutdown -h now
  • action: reboot
    command: reboot
  • action: astrobox-restart
    command: service astrobox restart
    hotspotDevice: wlan1

I can access the web now however camera is not working. Just “Preparing Video” nothing happens

Hello I just got my PI 3 w/ Raspicam, & noticed Astroprint 0.10 is out w/ support for the camera, but when I upgrade it still doesn’t detect camera & no video present. Is there any logs or troubleshooting I can assist with?

@Lui_Bove Have you selected the raspicam driver from the camera settings menu (first option)

Hello Daniel, I was able to find the option to configure, I needed to run sudo raspi-config to enable the raspicam, & now it’s working