Access key - how should it work?

When I start OctoPrint and go into the AstroPrint tab, I’m required to always enter my access key to perform the link and establish my connection. It seems that I have to enter this access key every time I start up OctoPrint. Please forgive my ignorance, but Is this by design? Is this access key supposed to be a session only key - where you have to enter it whenever you start OctoPrint - or is it supposed to be an “enter-once” key - where you enter it just once and the plug-in always “remembers” the connection whenever you start up OctoPrint?


No, That’s not the way it should work. You only need to enter it once ( or again if a long time passes since your last use ). Can you tell us more about your configuration? Browser version, octoprint version, platform, etc?

@David_Warner: FYI, you might find this post useful if you haven’t seen it yet :wink:

Thank you. Here is my configuration.

Browser version: Chrome (latest version)
OctoPrint version: 1.3.9 running on OctoPi 0.15.1
PC Platform: Windows 10 Pro running on Intel i7-6700 CPU @ 4.00GHz with 16MB memory

Thank you dilanka. Yes, I did follow this post when setting up the plug-in.

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I’m having this same issue. Is there a solution?

No, we haven’t been able to yet find what causes this. It affects a very small amount of people and so far we haven’t seen any pattern of what they have in common. Other than the fact that their octoprint instances can’t write in the plugin directory which makes the instance not able to save the key.