Accidently Pressed Reset Button

So I just got my astro box and was setting it up and got wifi working. Went over to plug in the printer and pressed down the reservation button and A button on accident. Now I don’t see the wifi network anymore and can’t use the box because nothing is coming up on any device for me to set it up.

Let me know if this helps:

No I don’t think it’s that. I never got to finish setting up the wifi on it. Is there anyway just to give I a clean wipe and begin setup again or no?

Have you tried rebooting again? Is there an Ethernet cable connected?

The hotspot should come on as long as the box doesn’t detect a connection to the Internet.

No, no ethernet cable. And I tried rebooting a few times with still no luck.


So I just got my astro box and was setting it up and got wifi working.

When you say you got WiFi working – are you talking about the part where you provide your WiFi password within the AstroBox setup ?

If that’s the case – sounds like your AstroBox is already setup and it is connected to your WiFI network (even though it’s not showing it’s own hotspot).

Have you tried going to either or http://astrobox-XXXX or http://astrobox.local?

If none of those works, you can try re-flashing your AstroBox.

Let us know how this goes! :slightly_smiling:

got it fixed. I just compleated the pcduino setup instructions and redownloaded stuff and flashed the image to the box. its all working now.


Great news! :slightly_smiling: