Advanced notifications options

Often I start a print and then need to wait for the printer to heat up before it will start (as most people have it set up to do). It would be nice to be able to set a command/comment line in Gcode or a setting directly in Astroprint to notify when the first layer begins (the most crucial layer) so that the user can observe the layer. If the ability to add notifications via GCode was added you could do much more than this like have it notify you on filament change, ect.

Also I know Astroprint Desktop just released with many features but I would like to see a multi object print option that auto arranges the objects into one print file. most slicers have an auto arrange feature so incorporating this doesn’t seem like it would be too difficult.

Thanks for listening.


Thanks for the idea regarding GCODE notifications. Could you please add to this list:, that way we can gauge the interest in the community.

Regarding the Desktop app, it already has this feature, simply place multiple objects on the bed and click “align to grid” in the slide-out menu on the right.

I’m aware the Desktop app has that ability I was saying it would be nice to have that feature with the cloud slicer so that if i see two objects on say thingiverse I want to print at the same time it’ll automatically align and arrange them and make one print file.
