Analyzing x3g speed and never ending analyzing

We recently started using Astrobox and slowly it’s getting into our workflow. We upload g-code and print. When the x3g is uploaded the box starts analyzing the x3g.

But this seems very slow with larger files and sometimes the analyzing seems to hang.

Most files around 2-3MB are processed fine (in an hour), but some keep processing and we removed them after two days.

Larger files always seem to hang, a 6MB file kept analyzing for more then 2 days before we removed it.
Now we have a 29MB file uploaded that is processing for a day already.

I know it’s a single core 700Mhz with only 512MB. But i was wondering if it’s just a performance issue. Analyzing x3g looks simple, count Z changes, count lines, etc. (i know there is probably a lot more to it).

How and when are you analyzing the x3g and what information do you need? Is it a low prio background process? Does the anaylzing stop when printing? If yes, does it have to start over again after printing?

There’s certainly something else going on in here. Could you please open a ticket at That way we can share files, etc and get to the bottom of this.

This may be interesting for all of us. I did upload a x3g of about 700kb size. Analyzing did take for ever, at least some hours :wink: When uploading x3g I have to take care, that the file fits to my printer. So what is analyzed here? It should be just a copy operation via the network to the Astrobox. I don’t need a preview image on time, i just want start to print the thing. The analyzing ‘ring of death’ is confusing. I need an indicator that the file is completely transferred and ready to print on the Astrobox.

Btw. I installed Astroprint 0.10(1) on a Raspberry Pi 2b

Currently analyzing does nothing for x3g files. On GCode ones it calculates estimated time and number of layers.

You can always start a print before analyzing is completed. There’s probably a bug that we need to look at in the removal of the busy animation for x3g files but know that you can print as soon as you see the print icon

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Thanks, good to know, that print can be started as soon the print Icon appears.

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