Arrange files in folders, and upload multiple files simultaneously?

I’ve tested out Astroprint for a few hours now, and I definitely like what I see :smiley: :thumbsup:
There’s a couple of things though; Is it possible to upload multiple STL’s simultaneously? It’s a bit “tedious” to upload 10-15 files, when Astroprint automatically “opens” the file and analyzes it, so I have to go back and click upload again.

I’m also missing the possibility to put the STLs in subfolders, rather than having all of them listed under “Files”. This would make it easier to arrange larger projects.

(This should maybe be in another thread but) :
Atm. Sync doesn’t seem to work for me. Nothing is stored on the RPi box. If I go to “astrobox.local” and upload, it opens up and analyzes there instead.

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These are excellent suggestions.

I definitely agree with Multiple STL uploads and having better organization in the File Manager is crucial. Not sure if folders/subfolders are the best way to approach it, but I get the idea.

As for your sync issue – are all the icon’s green on the top right? (indicating that you are connected to etc…)

Here is likely the issue:

1.) When you upload a STL to your AstroBox, you need the AstroPrint cloud to analyze/slice this file as there is NO on board slicing on the AstroBox. So, as soon as you upload a STL file to your AstroBox, you will be redirected to the AstroPrint Cloud where the analysis etc… happens.

Basically, if you upload a STL file to your AstroBox, the AstroBox will actually upload that file to the cloud. So there is no SYNC happening by design. Now, once you print that file, you will see a G-CODE file sitting in your AstroBox.

2.) If you upload G-CODE to your AstroBox however, you don’t need the AstroPrint cloud as the file is already pre-sliced and ready to print.

Is that clear? Let me know if it isn’t :slightly_smiling:

The user experience is not the smoothest here (I realize that) – and we are certainly aware of it. So, if you have more feedback on minimizing confusing and making the process easier, I would love to hear it!

Yeah, the slice-bit was definitely it. I misunderstood how it worked.

Regarding organization; folders were just a suggestion. Any ways of tagging or similar could also be a solution. But it would be nice to have one entry instead of 20 on some projects, and rather expand it when needed.

All in all, I like what I’ve seen so far. I haven’t been able to experiment enough with it to know what could be improved, but I’ll post back the more I get to test it.

One thing could be the possibility to rearrange the apps, but that’s really not an issue.

And yeah, the camera isn’t displayed when connecting directly to the AstroBox, only through web?

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Cool. Yeah, the organization thing is something that’s definitely planned for the future :slightly_smiling:

One thing could be the possibility to rearrange the apps, but that’s really not an issue.

Yeap. I think this is fair request too. We are all conditioned to move apps around (i.e: on our phones), so this makes perfect sense.

And yeah, the camera isn’t displayed when connecting directly to the AstroBox, only through web?

The camera works within the AstroBox but only while printing. You won’t see the Remote Monitoring app in the AstroBox dashboard, but while the file is printing (if a camera is connected) – you should see what the camera sees.

But, most people certainly use the Remote Monitoring app through our cloud :slightly_smiling:

Let me know if you have more questions! Would be happy to answer them! :wink: