Arranging multiple objects into batches for a print

I find my self missing the ability from other hosts to combine multiple objects for printing in one go. Relying on external tools to arrange and combine objects into batches seems a bit rigid and will end up clutter your file collections with duplicate date in multiple files which seems a bit redundant. The hassle of download, combining, editing, and uploading can also be avoided. A batch could in fact be it’s own thing with a number of object and their transforms (position, rotation, scale) which could make versioning individual objects in a collection easier for power users.

Anyway love Astroprint sofar and look forward to see it grow add cool features.


Yes, it is indeed a hassle.

Believe me, I feel the pain. :confused:

We do have an upcoming solution that will (sort of) solve this, but as far as being able to do all of this directly on the website, that’s going to take a BIT more time.

I don’t have an ETA, but stay tuned my friend! :wink:

Hi, have you solved the problem of arranging multiple objects? This option is SOOOO needed. Lack of this option makes me think to move to different software:/

Yes we released this: