Astrobox on RPi needs service restart

I’ve discovered that my Astrobox (which is hosted on an RPi 2 B) will hang on just great for two prints or so, then it vanishes from the network and isn’t visible to the Astroprint servers any longer. If I restart the service (sudo system astrobox restart) then it reconnects again. I also sometimes lose connectivity in the middle of a print, which makes progress checking when offsite difficult. Throughout this all, it always remains present and available on my LAN at its IP, always to ssh and usually to http.

Is this a known problem? What can I look at to help troubleshoot?


These types of problems are best handled through our support system. If the problem or solution are deemed generic, we can post back here for others to know also.

Please open a ticket at indicating your plafform and astrobox software version.

Done. Thanks, Daniel!