So, I thought it would be best to start a new thread in an attempt to get the ABT software (purchased license) working with the official Pi 7" screen.
I have loaded the image to a fresh card and placed the license files in the hidden .astrobox directory as per the provided instructions. However, the screen will not boot past the splash.png logo. The logo is displaying just fine so the screen itself is working correctly. I have updated and upgraded via SSH but all to no avail.
Any ideas what may be missing or need to be changed to get it working with this screen. Could it be as simple as adding some additional driver files to the required directory?
Out of interest, I have previously setup Astrobox Gateway on a Pi with the 7" screen and had it successfully loading the Chromium browser and auto-navigating to the WebUI of the Astrobox gateway IP address.
Thanks for any help.