Same problem here. RPi B (first one). Burned image, acquired IP through DHCP (wired network).
If I set up a static IP through “/etc/network/interfaces”, it says that I’m not connected to “”, but I can search for an update, and it does list “0.8(4)” as available, but with the information "Published: “undefined NaN, NaN”.
Anyways, after removing my settings from …/interfaces and rebooting, it is now able to log in to, but still the update won’t succeed. A small blob on the left on the update status bar is all that comes up, while saying “Downloading release”.
Almost no activity on the link-LED on my RPi, so I guess it is a bug of some sort. Reboots etc. doesn’t help unfortunately.
Ironic how this is an update to correct some network issues though
It worked after an reinstall on my second Pi, same B-model.
I had some problems with the network though. For some reason, a hotspot wasn’t created. I was using my RT2571 based adapter.
I had some problems, but it ended up with removing the adapter, connecting only with ethernet, rebooting, and checking my router to find the correct IP and set up the AstroBox. I also ran apt-get update/upgrade, and set the SSH password to something else than “raspberry”. When I then connected the WLAN adapter, rebooted and tried setting up “Connection” to connect to my Wifi, I always got "wrong password (100% sure it was correct) or “Could not connect to …”. I gave up, turned it off, then removed ethernet, and rebooted. Still no hotspot. But when I logged in to, I found it under “monitor”. It was now using the Wifi(!!). So it works, but it was a bit bugged to begin with, no idea why.