Astrobox will not log into Astroprint after short internet disruption

I was printing from a distance today when my internet connection at home was briefly disrupted (30-40 secs). This is a common occurrence as my partner refuses to move away from TPG for a more stable ISP. I have two astroboxes for two printers (“Igor” and “Frankenstein”). ‘Igor’ re-appeared on astroprint shortly after the interruption, but as usual, the ever-problematic ‘Frankenstein’ did not. The only way to resolve the issue is to restart the astrobox (which is a problem for the print).
I have re-installed the firmware twice now to no avail. I have changed cables and positions on the router (as they are connected via Ethernet), and adjusted router/switch settings. I feel like I have done just about everything. Does anyone know what is happening or has had the same issue?

Just for clarification, Frankenstein is connected only via Ethernet correct? Does it have the ability to emit it’s own WiFi hotspot? If so, that would be the fastest way to get into the Astrobox settings and re-connect it to your cloud account on

Presuming Frankenstein DOES NOT have a WiFi dongle (or the ability to emit a WiFi hotspot) – you’ll have to figure out it’s IP address somehow. Considering that you have re-installed the Astrobox software twice, it sounds like you already know the IP address as well.

If that’s the case – I have no clear answer.

If Igor shows up, but Frankenstein DOESN’T –

  1. Is it possible that it has a hardware issue?
  2. Have you tried removing Igor and putting Frankenstein in it’s place (using Igor’s cables) to see if it shows up?
  3. Have you tried going into your router settings and matching Igor’s settings with Frankenstein?
  4. If you know Frankenstein’s IP address, can you ping it? Any response?

Sounds like a network issue, but I am not entirely sure what’s up…

Thanks heaps for the support Dilanka!
Frank is on via ethernet only. I was having similar issues with him before under Wifi, where he would disconnect and CANCEL my print completely. I assumed it was low Wifi signal or a conflict from Igor’s signal, so I ditched the dongles and threw in cables. Could very well be a networking problem as I am using an old converted modem as a switch for both of the printers to connect to my DNS modem, but this issue is similar to the ‘Wifi failure’ Frank was experiencing pre-switch.
I will give your tests a go this weekend (swapping Igor and Frankenstein) and do a few more tests with the network setup I have and let you know the result for others to see.

Ah! Here’s the thing: The WiFi signal shouldn’t be the problem because the .GCODE file(s) are NOT transmitted piece by piece, rather, the entire thing gets sent over at once, so even if you get disconnected – as long as the astrobox is connected to the printer and both are powered up, it should NOT interfere with the print.

This is by design.[quote=“Bernie, post:3, topic:1360”]
Could very well be a networking problem as I am using an old converted modem as a switch for both of the printers to connect to my DNS modem, but this issue is similar to the ‘Wifi failure’ Frank was experiencing pre-switch.

This is also where my spidey senses are leading me to. The Raspberry Pi and the Astrobox software is pretty damn robust and most folks DO NOT experience this type of thing, so it’s a good hypothesis. [quote=“Bernie, post:3, topic:1360”]
I will give your tests a go this weekend (swapping Igor and Frankenstein) and do a few more tests with the network setup I have and let you know the result for others to see.

Yes, please let us know :slight_smile: