Best way to support Astroprint when using free version

Hi Team Astroprint,

I am using the free version of Astroprint and am loving it thus far. My question is really how to make a financial contribution to your team for the hard work. How can I give you all some cash money? I like to support the projects that I really like. I looked in the store but only see option to buy some merch or the Astrobox itself.

Thank you,

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Appreciate the kind words!

We don’t have a “official place” for donations, but if you feel like throwing some cash money our way, you can paypal it to: :slight_smile:

Also, hypothetically, what would make astroprint so valuable to you that you are willing to pay for it?

Don’t worry, there will always be a free version, but I am curious about what premium features we could offer for certain users :wink:


Cool thanks for the Paypal account. To answer your question being a new to 3D printing in general the features that make it/would make it worth money for me are ease of configuration, hardware support for my printer, integrations to pro printers ie Shapeways and of course support and ongoing development. The cloud based interface is a big selling point for me as well. Wrapping this all into a easy to use package saves me time and represents a huge value for me.

Thank you,

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