Boot UP astrobox on PI as quick as Possible

I am currently using astrobox on Raspberry PI 3 Model B with lightweight PIXEL gui. It takes nearly 40 seconds to boot up with Astrobox wifi-hotspot turned on. However when hotspot is off it takes only 25 Seconds. I would like to have hotspot functionality so that its accessible from other systems.

Why such a delay with hotspot? Is there a way to reduce the boot time while hotspot is on?
Are there other ways to reduce the boot time?

I’m not aware of anything we do regarding the hotspot that would add 20 seconds to the boot up time.

Hi @Daniel, Thanks for the reply. I was checking out the time used by each service when PI boots up using the command “systemd-analyze blame” and its the dhcp client daemon which adds up the time.

Can you suggest any way to mitigate this or any other way in which I could reduce the boot up time?