Camera set up issues

Hello All. I am trying to get my camera going but get nothing. I hit rescan and nothing. Anything else I need to do? I have this camera:

Instructions to enable the raspicam are here:

Do NOT perform the system upgrade though. Skip o the raspi-config step.

If you need help enabling SSH, follow this guide:

Thank you, Daniel. Can I do this from the touchscreen or do I have to yank the sd card and use a pc?

Neither, you have to use and ssh client and access the command line

UGH! I have no idea what that is. The whole reason I threw money at the ATB was so I didn’t have to learn anything about the RPi setup and programming, Marlin and S3D settings were plenty. I guess I should have asked before purchasing the camera but kinda figured as it was the purpose built cam for RPi that it would work.
Is there any way to use an old cell phone thru the usb without digging into the programming?

I will say, Daniel, if you are the support, you’re doing a great job on this forum based on what I’ve seen.

The ABT is pretty hands off but you chose a hard camera to configure. One of the ones in this list would be more plug and play:

Well, got the v2 going. Wasn’t too bad actually. Download Putty and pretty simple from there. I didn’t have to learn too much anyway :wink: Was going to just buy a USB cam but turns out everybody is sold out. Effect of working from home I guess. So, forced to bite the bullet

If anyone needs help with this setup (not troubleshooting) in the future, happy to help.