Ok, so…i have a Pi2 and Rocksoul 1080p camera for Astroprint. They’ve been running great together, until they weren’t. The camera suddenly stopped being detected, but only AFTER i launch the Astrobox from the Astroprint website. When I first log into the website, I can see the camera output fine in the Monitor mode (likewise, the camera works fine when I plug it into a laptop directly). However, when I “launch” my Astrobox and connect to it directly, all I get is a grey box were the camera output usually is, and i do not have the still/movie, record and timelapse buttons on the bottom of the box.
it doesn’t matter how many times i reboot or re-stab the USB from the camera…it won’t show up in direct mode (and thus i can’t monitor it remotely, or initiate captures).
help me Obi Wan, you’re my only hope.