Cannnot connect from PC

I suddenly can’t connect to my astrobox from my PC. I get a "server not found message using Firefox. However I can connect from my iPad.

Are they in the same exact network? Also are you using their IP address or .local?

Yes, they are in the same network and I have been connecting through the PC successfully until today. I am using .local

Using the device that works, go to the settings icon then internet and note the IP address. Are you able to reach it via IP address?

Yes I was able to reach it via the IP address. I then tried via “local” again and could connect also?

Don’t know whether this appropriate or I should open another incident but I can video stream from my PC but when I try from my iPad I get the following message "Unable to start the WEBRTC Session when I try to start streaming.

Sometimes the bonjour system caches the address and then the DNS server assigned a new one to the box and it’s not updated.

Regarding the question about video. It’s the expected behaviour for now :frowning: More info here: