Cant reach the astrobox, CAN reach Octopi

Hi guys,

I recently moved and just wanted to get the astrobox up and running.
I changed the network setting on the SD card and started the box up.
My new router recognizes the octopi board and I can even access octoprints login screen.

However I cant reach the astrobox itself. I only get the sad ape with the broken rocket :slight_smile: Am I missing something?

I’m confused. is it an AstroBox or an OctoPi?

Hi, its an astrobox on a raspberry pi.

Astrobox is (still) based on octoprint right? Or have you developed a standalone system?

Eg when i changed the wifi settings on the sd card the filename still is “octopi wifi settings” so i assume this octopi build is what the router recognizes

It did start as a fork of OctoPrint ( not OctoPi ) back in 2004. It has grown quite a lot apart and you can’t use octoprint or octopi setup steps to start an astrobox.

Specifically, you can’t configure the network via a file in the SD Card.

Aha, that makes sense.

Where do i change the network settings? Or should i reinstall the whole thing :slightly_smiling_face:?

Perhaps reinstall is the safer as I don’t know exactly what you did