Can't upload anything [SOLVED]


I don’t seem to be able to upload anything to my astrobox. I did get a calibration cube to upload the other day, but now I am dead in the water.

If I attempt to do it from, the “Design Uploader” button is not even clickable. Furthermore the “File Manager” Upload Design button does absolutely nothing. If I log into my astrobox, everything shows that it is properly connected. The file uploader is not clickable there either. When I attempt to upload using the file manager, it just tells me “There was an error getting upload parameters (1)” or something to similar effect.

What gives?


I can confirm the same, I’m also unable to upload anything to my astrobox.

It starts the upload process but then just sits at 2% and never making any progress.

I had the exact same error (yesterday). could upload a file, then click slice, it would pause out at 2%. I ended up breaking out my laptop after a few tries, slicing with repetier and finally uploading the gcode to my astrobox.
I just uploaded an STL (08/01/2015) directly to astroprint and it managed to slice it correctly. Seems to have been fixed.

What browser are you using?

This is now resolved. It was caused by our upgrade to the new AWS API.

I’m still having the same problem, how do I fix it

This issue was resolved. Your problem might have similar symptoms but it’s likely cause by something else. Can you open a support request at and give us more details ?