Cloud Upload x3g files?

Am I just blind or is there no way to upload a x3g file except locally on an AstroBox? I would love to be able to use my slicer of chose, and send sliced files to my printer without A) being local and/or B) having to use the cloud slicer.


Adding a “Upload Print File” option here would be wonderful! :slight_smile:


Negative, there is no way to upload .X3G file(s) via the cloud.

The only way to do it is via your AstroBox.

Also, having an “upload” link on that menu would NOT be appropriate as those are all functions for that particular design…

You can either upload your STL file to the cloud, run it by the cloud slicer and send the print to your printer OR if you have sliced it using a different method, upload the sliced file directly to your astrobox.

you mean as a user I am not smart enough to control my .X3G files and associate them to my models on my own? you seem very uncomfortable with this feature idea… And given the forums I don’t think I am the first to suggest that we want to generate our own .X3G and include it or associate it with out cloud hosted STLs and/or be able to upload them and send them to our printer…

May I ask why the hesitation to supporting a request like this at the cloud level?

There’s only so much we can do as you probably understand. We have many other requests and things we need to do. We already give you the option to upload the files to your AstroBox. This feature is considered an enhancement that gives extra convenience. It’s not forgotten but we simply have higher priority things to do at the moment.

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The hesitation is largely due to resources and priorities. Since it doesn’t affect MOST of our users, it simply has a lower priority than everything else we are working on.

Doesn’t mean it’s impossible – we might even implement it in the future.

It’s just not a priority. Right now. :wink: