Here are the steps I followed to fix all the issues I got with my cheap TFT screen. Now it’s working perfectly.
Initial setup
- Download Astrobox Touch from
- Flash Astrobox Touch image to your SD Card
- Copy the license and lid files to your SD Card’s .astrobox directory (files without extension)
- Write a file (anything) into the root of the SD card and name it ssh (without extension). It will enable sdcard access for SSH
- Download LD-show from
- Copy LCD-show-master to sd card
- Connect your 3.5 TFT Screen
- Insert SD Card into your Raspberry Pi
- Boot the Raspberry Pi. Wait
- Turn off the Raspberry Pi
- Take the SD card out and put it in your computer
- Backup the config.txt file (important)
- Put the SD Card back into the Raspberry Pi
Enable SSH and configure TFT Screen (rotation and inverted colors fixed)
- Connect a keyboard to the Raspberry Pi
- Connect an external monitor using the HDMI port
- Plug the Raspberry PI
- When you see the Astrobox logo, press Ctrl-Alt-F1. A command line will appear on the external display (not the TFT screen)
- To enable SSH, type:
sudo touch /boot/ssh
- To configure the LCD screen, goto the LCD-show-master folder and type:
sudo ./LCD35-show
- To rotate the touch, type
sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/99-calibration.conf
- Change the calibration line like this:
Option "Calibration" "300 3932 3801 294"
- Exit and save the file
- turn off Rapsberry Pi by typing:
sudo shutdown -h now
- take the SD card out of the Pi and put in your computer
- modify the config.txt file. LCD-Show removed everything after dtoverlay. Put it back (remember the backup I asked you to do)
- modify dtoverly to rotate the screen. add ,rotate=270 at the end.
Enable SSH tutorial: