Control speeds like with LCD

Is it possible to control printing speeds while printing?


@Anthony Not at the moment.

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I’d like to see this too…a slider like the one for the temp and the one I’d like to see for fan speed to control the print speed multiplier…and at the risk of over complicating things also an extrusion multiplier. I often need to adjust things a bit if I see a print going bad and it is rather hard and for some parameters impossible to do on my particular printer.

I understand the KISS strategy that AstroPrint brings to printing and in general I agree for most prints
simple is better. Maybe we need an advanced button on the printer control / monitor page that would enable
some tweaking and more advanced monitoring…I for one would like to at least see and maybe adjust Z position and a few other items that I know most people won’t care about.


Agreed. An “advanced” section, with a printspeed multiplier and a extrusion multiplier with simple slider bars like the temps, and maybe a terminal interface for inputting gcode. I think those are the biggest things I’ve lost out on switching to astroprint. Simply having those three things would make most of the setup and maintenance tasks SO much easier and less drawn out.