Control the printer in remote it's possible?

Hi, only yesterday I know the astroprint (before I used octoprint) and I installed it in my Raspberry2.
I configured the soft with the help of the video tutorial. I configured the cura engine for the slicer and all work fine.
I use the printer in my office, is it possible control it also when I’m in my house (with the octoprint I used dyndns)?
Another question, I have the samsung galaxy S5, exist a application for my phone and Astroprint?
Thanks and ciao (sorry my bad english)

Yup. You can certainly control your printer remotely.

First, log into your local AstroBox (via while connected to the same network)

Then, you’ll have to pair your astrobox with your cloud account by clicking on the ROCKET ICON on the top right.

It should be all green like this:

If you don’t have an account, you can create one for free.

After it is paired, you can now control it from anywhere using the MONITOR app on (including live video monitoring)

No need to use a DNS service :wink:

We are working on apps for Android (not released yet) – meanwhile, you can still use with your phone. It’s all responsive + mobile optimized :slight_smile:

Let me know if that helps!

Also, welcome!

Thanks Dilanka I tried it and work perfectly, thanks.
Can I ask your advice for cura engine? I must print many pieces for the Mostly Printed, and the project’s creator suggest “PLA for dimension accuracy, 3 perimeters for through hole strength. I have a .4mm nozzle and print at .26mm layer height, just personal preference. I do print slow for strength, so your prints could be faster.” can you tell me how I must configure the cura engine for slicer the stl file and print with my Iprusa with a 0,4 nozzle and with a 1,75 filament?
Thanks and complimento for your Astroprint, it’s wonderfull

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So, to configure your printer/nozzle size etc… Go to PRINTER PROFILES:

After that, you’ll want to CREATE A PRINT FILE from the FILE MANAGER.

The rest of the slicer settings should be under ADVANCED SLICER SETTINGS right before the slicing process.

Here you can configure everything…

Let me know if that helps :wink: