Just an update as I get familiar with using astrobox. Two “issues” I’ve noticed:
- I’m able to log into astrobox.com anywhere around the world and click “connected” and see my astrobox. However, clicking "launch astrobox UI " is a mixed bag. All of my computers are on the same network. Some days my wireless laptops will connect to the box via direct IP address but most of the time the connection will time out. I can go up to my desktop that’s wired into my home network and it tends to be much more reliable with connecting to the astrobox UI. I’ve also noticed that my iphone 5c seems to connect most of the time. Keep in mind I’ve still never been able to type in http://[boxname].local to work…ever. Not sure if it’s related.
I’d really like to get the “Launch astrobox UI” more reliable because I need to upload gcode manually and the only place you can do that is in the astrobox UI. Is this reliability a known issue? Are there certain communication ports you guys are using that maybe I need to unblock? What could be different between a wired connection vs unwired (keeping in mind I have full bars when I’m wirelessly connected)?
- While I was printing an 8 hour print last week, things were running smoothly and then I went and updated the webcam view and I got the dreaded “No box connected” on astroprint.com. I got home and saw the system was locked up with the nozzle touching the part. Is there any easy way to debug this if it happens again? I’d like to be able to confirm whether it’s an astrobox program lockup…did the power go out…did the entire raspberry pi B+ lock up? Mostly so I can find out where the culprit is and help you guys with data that might lead to a more stable-er astroprint