CR10 Shutdown/connect

Is there way to the shutdown the printer and still have the Astrobox connected? Every time I do a proper shutdown I have to unplug the Astrobox to get it to connect to the printer again.

The AstroBox and the printer are independent. You can shutdown the printer the way you would without the printer. Upon booting back up, you can click on the “red” printer icon (middle) in the top right.

Thanks for the info. If that is the case there may be something wrong with my Astrobox.

Like you said, I can turn off the power to the printer and it goes off but if the Astrobox is connected the screen on the printer does not go off.

If the Astrobox is connected to the printer, the only way to get the screen to turn off is to turn off the printer and unplug the Astrobox from the printer or unplug power to the Astroprint.

This is fairly normal in some printers. It’s actually a flaw in the printer. What’s happening is the printer board is being fed via the Pi’s USB cable.

Some printers don’t block this. There’s nothing we can do…