Is there any way to duplicate a slicer setting?
Right now what I have been doing create a new print job choose the profile I want then
advanced and then save with a new name…
I’d like to be able in the slicer profile list to duplicate then I can edit them.
But what I really want is a way to duplicate material type along with it’s slicer library.
Also if I could duplicate a slicer setting into a different material that would be helpful.
The use case is thus: I have a filament that I have worked out several slicing profiles for doing
different types of jobs. I then load a new filament that is maybe the same material but a different
brand … basically the the old slicer settings will mostly work but need some tweaking maybe
temps or retractions etc. I don’t want to have to recreate everything again which means copying
down all the parameters and reentering them then tweaking.