Customize Cancel Printing GCode [SOLVED]

I was curious if its possible to customize the GCode which gets executed when the cancel print busson is pressed. While trying to get my Ultimaker working, I have experienced issues when canceling where it would not lower the build plate prior to homing the x/y causing the nozzle to collide with the clips on the build plate.

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Asking for the same here as well:

If I were to cancel a print just after leveling my bed (I have auto bed leveling), my extruder can and will crash against the side of my bed (I have an AXIOM: this is how it holds the glass in and levels the bed).
Note that an issue was submitted on GitHub as well.

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I agree. I have the same issue with my printer which uses the same idea to level the bed as a Lulzbot Mini.

This issue is resolved with the newest version 0.8(4) which allows you to customize the cancel GCODE in the printer profile section of your AstroBox settings