Differemce quality printing

Hi all

First I think Astroprint is awesome.
Easy to use. But still I have a question.
What is the difference between the normal and best setting?
Beside the time. I did a slice test and the normal will take 11 minutes. The normal will take 1 hour and 49 minutes.
The speed seems to be the same…do why does it take so much longer?
Is it really better quality or so?

Hello Johny!

Yes, the “Best” setting takes more time, because the quality of the print is higher. In order to do that, the main difference is the layer height:

With a lower layer height, the quality improves, at the price of taking more time (if layers are thinner, there is a bigger total number of layers, so it takes more time).

Choose wisely the settings you want to use, depending of the purpose of your piece!