Difference between online and local printer profiles?

I initially set up a printer profile online for my Zeepro Zim as you can see here:

And then after setting up my AstroBox I see there is a more generic local printer profile:

I’m guessing the online was has more information to send to the cloud slicer. Would it be worth making these profiles one in the same (and sync’d)?


You are correct. The original reason behind this was the following: In the early days, some AstroBox users never connected to the AstroPrint.com cloud. Most of their 3D Printing was entirely done locally. This is why you are seeing two profiles.

Right now, they are not in SYNC either.

As we move forward, most users are going to be connected to the AstroPrint.com cloud, so it makes sense to have both of these profiles in sync :slightly_smiling:

Good point!

P.S: Thanks for your screenshots and GIFs – as a visual person, I get giddy when I see screenshots :blush:

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