First Time User - Astroprint Live Streaming issue

hi all,

I am new to Asroprint. I have been used Astroprtint for 2 weeks already, and there is an issue I am not able to solve.

Every time when I try to live stream on my app or computer, the live stream is not working. When I connect to Astroprint locally, the WebRTC session is not connected.

I use HP Deluxe Webcam KQ246AA as my camera, video stream encoding: H.264, Image Resolution: Low (640x480), I am not sure why i cannot change to higher resolution.

Please help…

The problem is likely on the browser support for WebRTC. Are you using Safari or an iOS device?

Initially, i used my Astroprint App on my iPhone, not able to view. Then, I tried to view the video on Windows device, no able either.

Safari (the only browse on iOS) was compatible on version 11 but somehow stopped working on 11.0.1. We’re investigating why. We’re not compatible with Edge. Can you try Chrome or FireFox on your Windows device?

Yes, I did try it on Chrome. The icon just continue spinning and no video shown.