GCODE save on a network drive

Please forgive my english. I am german.
So when i use my own offline Slicer…(Repetier Cusa for example)
And i´m ready with slice…
it is possible to take the button “save under” and take direktly a folder from the Raspberry Astroprint ?
At this time i save the Gode on the Desktop (for example) and then i uplodet it to the Astroprint.

For German:

Wenn ich einen Slicer wie zum Beispiel Cura oder “Repetier mit cura” nutze…
ist es dann möglich den GCode mit der Funktion “speichern unter” direkt auf dem Raspberry oder in der Astroprint cloud zu speichern ( Netzwerkordner) oder muss ich jedesmal den Weg über das Zwischenspeichern und hochladen wählen ?

At the moment, you would need to access your GCODE and upload the file via the AstroBox Web UI.

it is not possible to have an network folder to save a ready GCode ?

The AstroBox can’t read from a network folder. You would need to manually upload to it. In the near future we will enable GCODE storage in the cloud where it would be more convenient.

okay…that is a clear Answer .

Not to muddy the water here but could you share and mount the directory where the astrobox does in fact store uploaded models and place files in said directory over the net?

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Actually, @Darren_DeVecchio is right. You could mount your network directory and modify the following setting in /etc/astrobox/config.yaml

  uploads: /your/mounted/directory

Great tip @Darren_DeVecchio! :thinking::hushed:

[quote]Actually, @Darren_DeVecchio is right. You could mount your network directory and modify the following setting in /etc/astrobox/config.yaml

uploads: /your/mounted/directory [/quote]

I am very interested in this, and a moderately able linux guy. Can anyone provide additional steps on how this would be accomplished? I use a network drive to save all of my gcode to \BASEMENT-PC\HP Bomber\Documents\Gcode Files. How would I “mount” this location in Astrobox? Is it just uploads: \BASEMENT-PC\HP Bomber\Documents\Gcode Files?

I could really use some simple, step-by-step directions to getting this done. I am not sure how to access the Astrobox. It doesn’t show under Win10 Network. How do I get to /etc/astrobox/config.yaml?

It would be awesome to be able to do this!