Germany (if needed, kinda tricky to help hospitals here because of the heavy health Regulations)

If some Coordinator needs stuff in Germany.

Only got a FDM printer but its a Place to start.

Not sure if 3D Printers are usefull here.

Looks like we love our laws and Stuff. I think Hospitals are not allowed to use Privat Printed Stuff. Not really convinced we are that “flexible” here (law wise) …not even in a time like that.

But you never know, maybe someone else needs Plastic in shapes to fight Covid-19.

Could also help designing stuf, which is not bound to Location. So I could also help designing for every other Country. Tell me if somewhere is some demand.

I also have an FDM printer at home that prints well PETG.

Other facilities could also be supported,
not just hospitals but all kinds of facilities or private individuals.

Naja man könnte vor Supermärkten o.ä verteilen, an Leute die keine Masken haben, würde mich aber nicht wundern wenn Face Shields in Supermärkten genau genommen nicht erlaubt sind. Glaube da war was von wegen Schaal und Maske sind okay, alles andere nicht. Könnte mich aber auch täuschen.

Tbh. hier brennt jetzt nicht grad die Luft, scheint kein soooo großer Bedarf da zu sein, auf Deutschland und diese Platform bezogen jedenfalls.

Naja mal sehen was sich so entwickelt.

(Mal unter uns, bin noch in einer anderen Deutschen Gruppe die sich “organsiert” haben. Will ja nichts schlechter machen als es ist und einige Shield sind ja auch rausgegangen, aber möglicherweise war der Hype um die gedrukten Face Shields hierzulande nur was zum wohlfühlen… Aber bin offen für alles, wer weiß was da noch kommt)

We are a lot of printers in Denmark that have now gone in a kind of hybernation mode

You think there is need for printers? of course shipping needs to be arranged and i think not all printers are willing to donate filament

not really tbh.

but thanks.

I think 3d Printing has great capabilities in times of great need, but I am not that sure about face Shields and the benefits of 3d Printing in that specific case.
I mean all we do is basically print a plastic strip which could also be replaced by just a string. Tbh. I think it’s more hype than everything else. But its great to see People come together. Everyone tries to help and do her or his best.

Don’t get me wrong,
Other Groups had send thousands of Shields here in Germany (I think 3000-4000 at least that I know of) but I am just not 100% convinced anymore about there use case, effectiveness and most important necessity, I was in the first Place but now I think there are plenty of Masks around, they have their problems as well, but working with those Face-Shields is a pain and they don’t really help to catch Germs or tiny droplets, if anything they offer false security, stay better home then.

People should always use them with masks but the Shields gonna fog up or the masks are not great to wear under them.

Na, I am not convinced by that 3d Printing use case anymore, I think it was a hype of enthusiastic Creators which isn’t a bad thing, but People don’t really want or better need them that much right now.

I tried to work with them, its just not great at all and in the way most of the time, can’t blame People for not really wanting them.

But that’s just my opinion and maybe I am wrong.

Just bought 10 Masks for like 3 € just wear them to not infect others, so I can use them multiple times.

Just wear a Mask if there are People around, stay home if possible and we gonna we alright.
That’s at least my opinion.

Also our Government had decided to let our states do what they want, which resulted in reopenings and withdraw of regulations in a shirt period of time which could result in a rebound. So let’s see what that will lead to. Maybe we gonna need them in the near Future more than ever before.

well in denmark we managed to get an exception for CE marking

we did not use the prusa design as that would never get approved, it allow droplets falling from above the user to get inside the shield

i think we managed to make 63.648 shields and there has been request for 108.046
10.000 is still in transit, that leaves arround 30.000 but those will be made pretty fast hence hybernation so we dont end up with stuff that people do not want

Interesting, thats quite a lot and a different design maybe solves some Issues.

A CE marking also improves the usecase’s a lot. They could get used by Medical staff as well that way.

I think that CE marking for example is something we should have done as well early, People and Companies weren’t sure if they could use those DIY Shield in their Workspace, that wasn’t a great start for them here as well.

Interesting to see how you guys handled that. Must admit, well done.

Keep up.