Heat bed not pre heating Before first layer [SOLVED]

Hello I’ve sent in a few support requests but no reply yet on this issue. I’m running a ctc printer (replicator 1 clone) with the latest sailfish firmware installed. I disabled the code temp override setting in sailfish and enabled heat bed preheat to 80c. In astroprint I have a pla profile With 70c set as the bed temp. When I slice a model I enable advanced settings to set the bed temp (first layer) option to 80c and the other bed temp for print to 70c.

The problem: astroprint does not send command to preheat the bed before starting prints. My rafts and initial perimeters and first layer start printing on a cold bed causing the print to come loose right away. It only starts heating up the bed halfway through the first layer which is too late.

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@cjalas: Apologies for not getting a proper answer via support tickets – once in a while a ticket or two gets lost.

I don’t have a direct answer to your question, but @Josh might… :confused:

Different question then. Can I implement a preheat in the bed with custom start / stop gcode in the settings and how would that work

Guess no one knows the answer or can help; looks like I’ll be trying out octoprint to be able to get my prints back online :confused:


I saw your ticket. Josh sent you a reply, did you not get it? His reply is below:

Some further info on this issue.

There’s a pending error on GPX by which the temperature settings is ignored when only a M190 command is present (as Slic3r) does. A workaround for now is to add this to the start gcode when Slic3r is used:

M140 S{bed_temperature}
M109 S{temperature}
M190 S{bed_temperature}
G92 E0

Ok I’ll try that out. I was trying to use some custom start gcode but nothing seemed to work. Also when using Cura, my printer started then just went back to “finishing” mode and didn’t do anything.

Another thing, I haven’t been using any slicer program, I would just load up the STL files directly from thingiverse (something I love that astroprint integrates btw!). I did buy Simplify3D to see if that would help but seems to make more problems than it solves. Is there a way to bypass the cloud slicing that astroprint has and just get an external gcode file directly?

Well, you cannot just get a G-CODE file out of thin air without slicing a STL file somehow, so, NO, there is no way to go from STL -> GCODE if you want to SKIP the AstroPrint Cloud Slicer…

Unless of course you want to use a different slicer to generate the G-CODE.

Since you mentioned that you don’t want to use Simplify3D, I am going to guess that the answer is NO.

I may have misunderstood your question though. If you DO use the AstroPrint Cloud Slicer however, you do have the option of downloading the generated G-CODE in the File Manager…

If you meant How can I upload G-CODE directly to the AstroPrint Cloud instead of STL’s – that is NOT currently possible (see this thread for more info). The only place you can upload G-CODE directly is your AstroBox.

I hope that makes sense, If not, let me know! :slight_smile:

This problem should now be solved :slightly_smiling: