Help "Heating up..." screen

hi everyone, Already configure my astrobox. When i sent to print the gcode, my printer get the right temperature but isn´t show on web app, print never begin.

What should i do?

1.) What printer do you have?

2.) What Astrobox version are you using? (See SETTINGS of your AstroBox)

3.) Does the temperature(s) go up when it is stuck in the “Heating up screen”?

4.) How long after you hit “print” do you wait until you decide that the print didn’t work?

*Screenshots can help as well.

Let me know!
Thanks :slight_smile:

Same problem for me. I built an Astrobox using Rpi 3

  1. Printrbot Simple metal with heated bed
  2. latest version, v0.9(6)
  3. Nozzle temp never reaches goal temp. Bed temp in interface never rises despite physical heat increasing.
  4. at least 45+ min without print starting