How do I assign profiles to printers

It looks like Astroprint might be adding the ability to associate printer profiles with printers, so that only “matching printers are offered as a target” (this is a feature I requested).

I am seeing this message when print a file: “We couldn’t detected your print file printer profile.
This is because it was sliced with a custom printer or with a external slicer.

My question: how do I match the device? I cannot find anywhere that I can alter a setting to make this message go away.

Also, the English Grammar is not good. May I suggest “We could not detect the printer profile for this print file” and “4 Un-matched devices”

Thanks for this. The copy is now fixed.

In order for us to “match” a print file to a printer we need two things:

  • Know which printer model the print file was sliced for. If you slice with our slicer, this is done automatically. If you upload a GCODE, you can still tell the system by editing the file in the design library.

  • Your AstroBox needs to specify which printer model is connected to. This is done in the AstroBox’s printer profile settings. This is a feature that we added in the latest release.

I hope this helps

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The printer model has no choice for Anycubic I3, so i cant register it. Maybe a Custom choice could be available ?

We’ll add this printer in the near future but also know that you can safely ignore this and things will work just as they did before

Thx for the quick answer. My problem is i would like to use Thingiverse design directly from the Astrobox Touch. When i select one object and lauch the print, this is what i have

And i have a saved profile. Also when i click on Filament choice i have an arrow turning and need to switch off AstroTouch.

Could you update to the latest software ? We have fixed this.

Checking the software update from the Touch, it is up to date
AstroBox_Touch v0.16(2)
Astrobox Touch UI v 0.8(3)

What profiles do you have on your astroprint account?

I have created a profile Anycubic I3 on the dashboard

Thanks I’ve updated, and I see the profile UI now. Alas all our printers (Anycubic, 3 models of Tronxy, Wanhao) are not in the list, so I’m no further along (but still happily printing).

Ok, last firmware corrected the problem. One more thing… When print start, at the beginning extruder is making a very strange noise. It seem making a retract, why ?

Sorry to hijack this question but, I believe I’m having a related issue. When I connect my printer to my AstroBox touch it creates a new profile for my printer in the printer profiles section on my box and in the cloud. I will wind up with like 12 of the same printers. The issue is that I have custom slicer profiles associated with my primary profile that I have on my Astro Print Cloud and I have also installed a extended bed that is bigger than the default platform in the imported profile. Is there any way to make my Astro Box lock out automatically making a new profile and only load my custom profiles and settings?

This is an old problem. What software are you running on the astrobox?

I did an update just this last time that I used it a week or so ago, so it should be the newest or newish. The astrobox touch is at the library that I donated the printer setup to or I would double check for sure and give you the specific version number. This last update added the functionality for z baby stepping if that is any help?

There has been a few releases after. Let us know what versions you see in the software / update screen

Sorry for the late reply. My astrobox-touch has version v0.16(2). When I try to update it says I’m on the latest release when I try to update.

Ok, Please delete all the profiles that it created and now that we know you’re using the latest, let’s watch it. This was a problem which was fixed.

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I’ll keep you apprised . I have a free print event happening a the library this weekend. That will be my next opportunity to see how it functions.

@Daniel What’s the process for you to add new printers? Or will there be a custom option? I have a Snapmaker 2.0. TIA

I’m also having this problem, I can’t add my printer profile in the local file, i.e. “print model”, but I can add custom printer files on the cloud. My printer is FLSUN Q5 and my astro version is 0.2 (4). So I can slice it in the cloud, but when I print it will say “not marching your XXX”, the “XXX” is one of the local printers in the list. So, what do I need to do. To add on my FLSUN Q5 profile?