I have not seen this before but sometimes when I hit print using the astrobox-Touch from the local web page (accessed from my Mac using safari) I get a quick spin like it Is going to start but then I am returned to the file manager screen…the ABT then seems to loose sync with the printer which has actually begun to heat up etc.
Clicking around eventually gets me to a screen saying I can either pause the print or takes me to the actual in progress print screen.
On a side note I continue to see the case where the Pi/Touch screen fails to update at some point and freezes mid print…I this kinda feels similar…Ike the underlying astrobox code is getting out of sync with the Touch and Web interfaces. The onscreen touch should be hard connected to the print driver as they run on the same system and I have moved to a full wired connection for my ABT so it can’t be the wifi…
Thanks for pushing your platform forward…need to check out some of the new features I see when I get the chance…