My AstroPrint Wishlist

I’m going to start by saying that you guys have done an amazing job at making this as easy as possible. I haven’t been able to fully switch over yet because of the retraction settings in the cloud slicer and because there is no way for me to adjust my EEProm values.

Some other things that aren’t required but would be nice (in no particular order):

  • User defined controls, or maybe a folder to place custom scripts.
  • Time lapse video.
  • Flowrate and Speed sliders
  • GCode Viewer.

Again, I’m liking this setup. I know some of those things may be wishful thinking, but you since you asked, I thought I’d share.



+1 on the user scripts, would love to be able to run custom scripts.
Needs to to have a terminal window so we can issue ggcode commands direct from a terminal command line. / eprom setings
Another suggestion, the manual control screen. Printer moves default to 10mm, but the extrude button defaults to 100 mm. When changing filament manually, it should be set low (10mm or custom default) if you hit extrude to feed the filament. It extrudes 100mm. I know I could change it. But Very rare situations I have ever needed to extrude 100mm. So I never expect it to be set that high.


I’d love the ability to save to and from the on-board SD card. Starting prints from the card would be nice too.

+1. In addition, it would be nice to have advanced options that will allow us to specify what gcode to run when pressing the home buttons

+1 :smile:

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