New with AstroPrint - Help with Cam and Feedrate

I’m moving from OctoPrint to try AstroPrint, and it looks very cool!
In my old OCtoPrint, I had to add 2 parameters to my webcam (chinese) work: “-q 99 -y”. These parameters are passed to mjpeg_streamer. In the AstroPrint, my camera is detected, but video doesn’t work, only still images (photos) and I guess is the same prolem. My question is: is there any way to add these parameters os try another ones? If so, how?

Second questions: printing controls looks very easy, but there is some basic stuff missing (or am I missing?!), like feed rate and flow rate. I can’t set this during print (neither before or after). Is there any way to enable it? OR, how can I access termina to send these commands during print?

If you’re able to take pictures, your camera seems supported. Video streaming might not be due to lack of support on your browser for WebRTC. Check this out and see if it helps: ( Basically the safest option is FireFox on Desktop )

Regarding those features you mentioned, Our users are typically less advanced and require (even appreciate) a less complex UI, than those of OctoPrint. However we increasingly get more advanced users and are starting to think about an “Advanced View” for the Printing and Control Screen.

Would you open an issue here: describing what “Feed rate” and “Flow rate” would do and what GCODE is sent to the printer?


About camera: yeah, it worked. Chrome problem :frowning:

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