Not able to get wi-fi hotspot working


I’m trying to setup the hotspot feature on my Astrobox powered by a Pi 3.

The Pi itself is connected when it is to my network via cable however I added an extra wi-fi adapter (RT5370) to it to do the hotspot.

However I don’t seem to be having any luck with a hotspot appearing at all even though the software says that it is active.

I was wondering if there’s any ideas. I’m not worried about having it where I can have it connect to a wi-fi network either if that can fix it.

Thanks -
Ryan Walmsley

Hey Ryan.

It’s likely the WiFi dongle - we have not tested it.

We recommend the EDIMAX dongle and the Astrobox is generally compatible with Realtek 8188 chipset based dongles.

Onboard wifi wont work in ap mode


Have you seen this?

Sorry i thought he was just using the onboard wifi when he was trying to connect. My guide will work with the rpi 3 also. I just had to connect to my wifi once with the usb dongle during setup and after i unplugged it and restarted with the onboard it worked automagiclly. The readbear uses the came chipset as the pi 3.

It seems like Astroprint will not detect my donegal as well its a Tenda 150Mbs mini Wireless USB Adapter (model # W311MI) it is supposedly 100 pi compatable

For the creation of the hotspot, we only support one family of wifi dongles as explained here:

Gosh… any plans on expanding on that support in the near future?

In this particular case, we don’t have any plans for changing this. Note that this only affect the convenience of having a hotspot option. For connecting to an existing network, we support any WiFi dongle that the pi supports.