Pause causes alot of very fast extrusion

When I press pause, the nozzle moves towards the home position in X and Y, but it also immediately tries to extrude a large amount at a very fast rate. So fast that the extruder wheel skips and grinds the filament. Does this have something to do with relative versus absolute extruder step position? Has anyone else seen this? I’m using Simplify3D.


I don’t have a definite answer, but I would love to know what Printer/Firmware as well as your AstroBox Version if possible. (Video of the problem would be bonus)

Fusematic from Maker’s Tool Works with Marlin firmware and AstroBox v0.8(4)

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I was suspicious that the issue was being caused by having the “Relative extrusion distances” checked in Simplify3D (process settings, g-code tab) so I unchecked that and tested it and pause now behaves correctly. That’s unfortunate though, as I was told to check that option to avoid a bug in S3D causing incorrect retraction distances. Anyway, so it sounds like the issue is with S3D, I’ll have to keep it checked to get good prints and avoid pausing through Astrobox until they fix the bug. Thanks for the reply @dilanka

The one time I could be if use I was no where to be found. Had this issue when I first got S3D.