Print Captures Bug

I found a bug with Print Captures. I uploaded an .x3g file directly to my AstroBox. Last night I printed it and the Print Capture video was saved as expected. This morning I printed the same file again, as I’m printing 18 copies of this part for a client.

When finished, the Print Captures page didn’t show a second video, I’m assuming because the .x3g filename is the same for both prints. It only shows the print I completed last night. However, using “Download Images” I was able the download all the images from last night’s print AND the images for this morning’s print.

Can something be done to create new Print Captures based on the time printed, rather than just the filename of the model? I could change the filename and reupload each time I print that file, but that defeats the purpose of storing the files on the AstroBox. Maybe the print date could be added to the video name as _2016-01-29, or just _001, _002, _003, etc for subsequent prints of the same file.

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Interesting find @andyosier. Thanks!

If you have any accompanying screenshots (or a GIF of the screenflow), it would be helpful as well.

@Daniel: Thoughts?