Printrbot simple pro print head height calibration

I have a printrbot 2016 simple pro. I am trying out astroprint but my printhead is too far off of my bed while printing. I calibrated it in the printer and it is correct, I can print directly from cura just fine but when I try to print via the Astro box the height is way too high. I have also changed the start gcode using this code: The calibration is still off and I can’t figure out what seems to be going on, I’m pretty new to 3D printing so I’m honestly not even sure where to look for the problem

Did you correctly installed “FixAstroprintGCode” service on your Astrobox? could you check if gcode files stored on your Astrobox (/AstroBoxFiles/uploads) still have those question marks next to M100.1 command?