Prints retracts TOO much between jobs

Hey! Just testing Astroprint since yesterday and I f#ucking love it!!

I’ve encounter an issue that I cannot explain and its basically that between jobs, the filament gets retracted too much before starting printing the second job (second in terms of jobs since Astroprint has start/booted).

What this means is that once it starts printing the second job, and because the printer gets requested to retract a loooooot, there is no filament on the extruder, whatever you do before preparation.

Any ideas where I could configure this?

Thanks a lot!!

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What printer is it? Maybe start gcode

I had a similar problem even before Astroprint. My printer has an option to retract when the extruder heats to prevent ooze I guess. I turned that off and it helped. Maybe your printer has something similar?

When does the retraction occur in the process? When the first print finishes. Then could be end code. While it is heating could be start code or printer. Maybe it does a little of both that adds up to too much?

Thanks a lot for your replies Daniel and Darren_DeVecchio!

I’m using a Prusa i3 compatible one, which is produced locally.
What’s strange is that it happens once the first job is completed or cancelled, I mean, this does just happen when starting the second job, between two jobs, never more at any point.

It clearly retracts a lottt, it does so once the bed and noose have been both heat up and its just immediately starting to print. Just to be clear, this just happens right before starting printing the second job.

Is there any way I can obtain the gcode that is going to be sent to the printer from Astroprint? I couldn’t find any way to do that anywhere, hummm,


You can download the gcode file from the print file menu, depicted as 3 horizontal dots to the right of the print file name