Puget Sound Region - Washington - USA

We need Printers. Let me know if you are interested.
Join us cluster.astroprint.com/PugetSound

Hi, I just signed up to coordinate for Whatcom County, through the Bellingham Makerspace.

Do we want to collaborate, or would you like to narrow your geography?

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So I dont mind narrowing the geography. If you want to take King county area also. I have a warehouse that this is in auburn that will warehouse and run trucks to hospitals if need be. So we can collaborate with that as well.

I can’t support King County at this time. We have a pipeline in place here in Whatcom County, with good communication between our Bellingham Makerspace and Whatcom Unified Command. I’ll manage that for now, and when we get things under control, I’m happy to help in a larger group.


Hello, I joined group and my email is pimentel.jorgeluis@gmail.com

Brent I’m sorry but I accidentally joined your cluster. Although I’d love to help I reside across the country. I believe you can remove Makers, if so that would be great in my case. Keep up the great work