Slice output viewer and STL repair

I often use after downloading a sliced model to see if it reasonably makes sense…sometimes support is weird or I see other things that make me want to tweak and adjust either them model or the slice profile before I waste time printing.

If it were possible to send a g-code file here directly from the astroprint file manager that would be cool…and save the download/upload step. More cool would be to have some of this functionality built into the astroprint web site but I know that this kinda of thing might kinda go against the simplified printing concept behind astroprint and might be a rather large undertaking at this time.

While I am at it it might be nice to also have some integration with:

which I use to check and clean my STL files before sending to astroprint. would be nice if that was on the astroprint dashboard and the output could be piped back to the astroprint slicer…of course if the astroprint analyzer did this for me (and maybe it does already) that would be even cooler…:slight_smile:

This is my worry as well.

Those guys don’t have an API per se, but it is open source, so it’s certainly possible.

Since you are an advanced user, it is natural to want/need this type of thing built in to the dashboard.

The tricky part is deciding on whether to add more stuff to the platform.

Impulsively adding features is how products lose focus and end up being useless/bulky years down the line.

Perhaps someone could make an APP to do this type of thing when our API comes out in the near future.

As always, thanks a lot for the suggestion Darren!

I can see the thinking…I do think an “advanced” section in astroprint would be a good idea to hide this stuff but getting your resources distracted off the main course is not a good bet for success.

Unfortunately 3d printing is not yet at the point of 2d printing…even to get some basic prints some setup and manual work is needed…I think once we move out of the hobby level maybe to resin or other technologies it might get to click and print. But even to this day 2d has a rather large number of options on complex printers that most people can barely deal with but some people can’t live without. The solution there has been some sort of secondary panel…the primary one with the basics for most the secondary for the rest.

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What about integrating a service such as, these guys seam to have been developing a nice set of tools and on their website, after you have signed up(free),you can create an app with an API key . I know they have already integrated with Thingiverse and also have plugins for Blender and SketchUp.

Just a thought.


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