Another suggestion gleaned from my AstroPrint cleanup…
I use an iterative approach to creating slice profiles, as a result I end up with quite a few profiles that
are ‘almost right’. Ultimately I would love to see a way to link profiles to specific models as I find there are not
really any generally good profiles for all models I always have to fine tune. But as a stop gap fix I would like
a way to first close and open the slice file list for each printer (like the way the file manager controls work
with projects). Second as I mentioned in a previous post a way to multiply select the slicer settings so I can delete more than one at a time. And third a way to duplicate them so that I can take a profile, duplicate it and then edit it. Currently I have to select a model and choose to slice it using an existing profile then click advanced and edit the profile and then save/slice…
As an aside, the “save a profile” in the advanced section of the slicer configuration tends to cover up the last few configuration items…not a big problem unless you type a name then realize you want to modify something else before saving.