Hi, I’m fairly new to this, I just set up an astrobox today, and I’ve only had the printer for a few days, so I might be missing something obvious.
I did a test print of the lulzbot calibration stl file and I manually set the temperatures there, and everything went fine.
Then I tried out the dashboard and the thingiverse plugin. I picked out a model (https://www.astroprint.com/design/info/934de6bb-9b84-4087-925e-8f59c0770569) and clicked print now, and the printer quickly spun to life… but no filament came out. Then I noticed that the temperature wasn’t even set in the web ui, and the printer reported that it was set to 5° for both the nozel and bed and they were both basically room temperature.
My devices and my materials just list a “Taz 5” and “PLA -” with default settings on each (205° hot end /60° bed for the pla), which sounds good to me.
Is there an extra “heat up the bed” step that I missed or is this just a bug?