[SOLVED] Cannot print because cloud cannot find AstroBox

I am logged into AstroBox (v .9) with my account. The AstroBox is connected to the local Wi-Fi network and can be accessed via IP address (but not astrobox-XXXX.local). Any attempt to print from the cloud gives this:

“You have no printers online. Make sure your AstroBox is connected to your AstroPrint Cloud Account.”

I have tried uploading files directly to the AstroBox but get an error every time. Advice on how to connect my AstroBox to my cloud account would be greatly appreciated.


Do you see the rocket icon on the top right corner?

Click on that to connect to your Astroprint.com cloud account.

All 3 of those icons (on the top right corner) should be GREEN to indicate connection to your cloud, printer etc…

Remember, you need a Astroprint.com account before you pair your Astrobox with the cloud account.

After all of those icons are green, you should be able to see your printer on your cloud account.

Let me know if that helps.

Good old-fashioned logging out and logging back into the AstroBox fixed the issue. Thank you for your help.

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