[SOLVED] Wifi crashes when accesing camera

I’ve installed Astrobox on my original Raspberry Pi Model B and connected raspicam to it.
UI works fine until I try to access the camera - either still image or video. When camera turns on wifi connection drops down, but Raspberry itself continues to work (you can tell it by flashing Ok led). Couple of times I’ve been able to get some live video for half a minute, but most of the times connection goes down immediately.
Any suggestions how to solve this problem?

What is the amperage of your power supply to the Pi ?

It’s 1A. You think that it is not enough?

Yeah, that was dodgy power supply that I was charging my phone with!
Connected my Pi to the bench power supply and it draws about 0.7A when camera turned on. And no more disconnects :slight_smile:

Thanks for your help!