[Solved] Your print failed to start. Please try again. Airwolf 3D HDR Error

Hello, I use the Airwolf 3D HDR printer and have come across an issue that I hope someone can help me solve.

Whenever I try to print from the website I get the error below. I have worked around this by downloading the gcode file and reuploading it to the printer control panel. The reason this bugs me now is because I have been trying to print from the center.

I have changed the settings where the printing surface is a circle in order to print from the center. Since the center of a circle is (0,0).

This is likely due to older software version of your HDR AstroPrint software. What software version is your Wolfware UI running? You can see that from Settings / Software in the wolfware Ui

The 3D Printer is running the software version WolfWare -v0.8(8). When I ‘Check for updates’ I receive a this message below.

Ok, both these problems are related. The software has a bug which prevented the date on the device form updating which means the device is probably running with a date in the past. This makes the security certificates invalid. This can be easily fixed. Are you able to SSH into your device or connect an HDMI monitor and USB cable?

I am able to connect the HDMI monitor and USB cable

Great. After you connect, you’ll see the command line. Type these commands:

sudo stop astrobox
sudo date --set="2017-08-17"
sudo start astrobox

After this, go to the software section and update. Then all should be working.

I have the printer connected to my computer, but have this shown. I can still type those commands into the terminal correct?

Yes, you can and updatebthe software too

I am slightly confused on where I should type up the command. Is it the gcode terminal? If so it says that the command failed to send. After I plugged in the printer, no command line appeared.

I have the printer connected to the PC by USB, and the PC is connected to a monitor by DP IN. My mistake from my end but I do not think I can connect with HDMI. Our PC does not work with HDMI and the printer does not have a HDMI port.

You need to SSH into the printer Please open a ticket with us so we can continue there:
